Check out the Bach Cantatas Website for a comprehensive look at these wonderful pieces of music, the Lutheran Church Year, and a wide variety of other pertinent information.
In my own attempt to order my life by the Church Year in 2008, I am employing the help of Bach's cantatas. On this blog, I will record texts from the cantatas and other information related to them. Bach's works contain some of the most moving and meaningful devotional texts in the history of Christianity. I hope you'll walk with me through this Church Year and learn to treasure our Lord Jesus Christ as you meditate on these words.
Immanuel, oh sweet word! My Jesus is my shepherd, my Jesus is my life. My Jesus has given himself to me, my Jesus shall evermorehover before my eyes; my Jesus is my joy, my Jesus restores heart and breast.
From Christmas Oratorio, J.S. Bach, 1734 Part IV, "For the Feast of Circumcision" (New Year's Day)
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